Deploy applications with a single command, making it easy for the entire team to keep moving fast.
Pick any cloud you want to deploy your app and services, smoothly migrate to a new cloud that fits your needs and priorities.
Widemesh deploys to your private AWS or DigitalOcean account, isolating from multi-tenant systems for stability and security.
Widemesh supports your favorite runtimes, including Node.js, Golang, Python, Ruby, Java, Scala, PHP, and more.
The days of paying extra for SSL certificates are over; widemesh provisions and automatically renews free SSL certs via Let's Encrypt.
Widemesh is compatible with most buildpacks, even the old ones. We offer the smoothest experience to migrate off Heroku.
Widemesh supports Docker containers without modification.
Stream real-time logs across your apps with a single command.
Watch CPU and Memory consumption with a single command, both at rack and application level.
Remotely open an interactive shell and execute command like is localhost, no SSH setup required.
Widemesh keeps a history of deployments to provide insight into who and when changes were deployed.
Start with a monolith and scale vertically all you need, painlessly adopt micro-services if/as you see fit.
Take advantage of a wide array of CPU and memory configurations available across cloud providers, Widemesh does the rest.
Deploys made with Widemesh are immutable; you can roll back to previous versions without hassle.
Widemesh keeps your servers health-checked and healed as necessary while applying critical, backward-compatible updates to the underlying operating system.
Do you have credits in AWS or DigitalOcean? Don't let credits go wasted, Widemesh can leverage credits from your cloud provider without changing your experience.