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Changelog #1


Welcome to our first changelog update! 🎉

We will be using this blog to share updates so new and old users alike can find answers more quickly.

We also like markdown a bit more than the ProductHunt Ship message editor they refuse to fix. 🤦🏾‍

Here we go!

New Web Service Publication Paths

We’ve introduced the ability to route subpaths in endpoints, this way you can bind /api and /blog to different services across stacks.

Example Usage

Say you have a backend stack built in Ruby and a blog written in Node.js each named mybackend and myblock. You can mount each web service of those stacks in /api and /blog, like this:

mesh service publish --stack myblog --name web --endpoint www --path /blog
mesh service publish --stack mybackend --name web --endpoint www --path /api 

Your myblog service will become a Web Service and a request such as /blog/article-1 in your endpoint will be sent to your web service in myblog as /blog/article-1.

Now a request to /blog/article-1 at endpoint level become /article-1 at service level.

New CLI Installers

We’ve vastly simplified our CLI installers for all platforms.


We now support ARM64, so all Apple Silicon devices such as M1 and M1 Pro variants are supported natively. Our latest releases also support macOS Big Sur and Monterrey.


We now officially support all mainstream distros:

  • Ubuntu
  • Redhat
  • CentOS
  • Rocky Linux
  • Fedora
  • openSUSE


No more clicks, our Windows installer is now a single-liner like in macOS and Linux.

Try the new installers today!

Build Times

We deploy our website on the Widemesh platform itself. We value your time, so we optimize our website to load as fast as possible. To minimize roundtrips, we embed as many assets as we can in the HTML itself; these optimizations imply multiple very CPU and Memory intensive build phases, increasing our deployment total build time. So to fit more build-time heavy workloads like this, our build timeouts have been bumped from 10 to 20 minutes.

Additionally, we improved our CLI mesh deploy command to stay online, streaming the build process for longer than 30 seconds of no terminal output. As usual, if you encounter a network interruption during the deployment, you can always resume with mesh deployments show.

What’s Coming

Stay tuned for more updates; we’re working on something huge that will change the way you think about cloud hosting, forever! 🚀

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