Widemesh on Amazon Web Services(AWS)

You can use Widemesh to easily deploy apps hosted in EC2 Instances of your AWS account. At the same time, it is common in other platforms to offer to Bring-Your-Own-Account(BYOA) as part of their enterprise offering, Widemesh offers cloud application deployments in your AWS account without extra fees for BYOA.

How does it work

All you need to do is create a provider using the CLI command:

mesh provider create

Select Amazon Web Services and follow the instructions; once setup; Widemesh can automatically configure and manages all the necessary VPC, Instances, and Elastic IP addresses in your AWS account for all the Widemesh racks created with such providers. You can use a single provider account to create a rack and host multiple apps.


The CLI should prompt you for Access Key ID and Secret Access Key; AWS creates these keys for you as part of a new IAM user you can create for Widemesh as follows:

  1. Login to your AWS account console
  2. At the top of the screen, select Services –> IAM.
  3. In the sidebar, select Access management –> Users and click on Add User.
  4. Enter a Username that helps you remember your intent for this user is for Widemesh only, maybe something like “widemesh-cloud”.
  5. For Access Type, mark the checkbox for Programmatic access and click on Next: Permissions.
  6. Switch to the tab Attach existing policies directly and search for “AdministratorAccess”.
  7. Mark the checkbox next to the “AdministratorAccess” policy and click on Next: Tags.
  8. Widemesh does not require tags in the IAM user, so assign at will and click Next: Review and Create User right after.
  9. In the column Secret Access Key, click on Show.
  10. Back in the terminal, paste the corresponding value for Access Key ID and Secret Access Key when prompted by the Widemesh CLI.

Continue with the steps of the CLI or follow the racks provisioning guide.